Planning a train journey? Increase your chances of being on time.

Recent Train Times helps you find the trains that arrive punctually and avoid those that are often delayed. See how much trains on your route are typically delayed by and plan accordingly.

Recent Train Times contains the actual times of all passenger trains that have run in England, Wales and Scotland over the past six months.

Enter your journey details below and you can find the actual times that trains ran on your route. See which trains are typically on time and which trains are more often delayed. Choose trains more likely to get you to your destination for the time you need to be there.

For a very fast run through of the information that you can find on Recent Train Times please see this Overview.

Web Hosting Issue

The normal data feed into Recent Train Times has been blocked since 5th Sept.
This block has been caused by the web hosting company (Ionos) who made a change with no advance notice and who are currently refusing to reverse this change.
An interim workaround is now in place - however data may take slightly longer at times (e.g. a few hours or more) to reach the website.
The data collection processes are currently working correctly, so there should be no gap in the data - it is just taking slightly longer to reach the website.


Data reflects train services up to:  23:12 on Tue 15 Oct 2024.

Time Period: for the
Specific Dates: to
Arrival Times:    


Get Regular Train Times finds the normal trains that run daily. This excludes schedules that have run only once in the search time period and excludes schedules that have not run in the last ten days.

Get All Train Times includes all trains even if they only ran once and even if they have not run in the last ten days. This will find all schedules but may result in a larger list with gaps (where a schedule didn't run on a particular day/days).

As an example, search for London Euston to Birmingham New Street.

By default, up to five days of actual train times are shown, while the statistics are calculated across the full time period specified.

The number of days of actual train times that are displayed can be changed using the 'Display' setting in the search form or in the 'Quick Options' bar at the top of the search results page.

Search results are direct trains only. To find information for a journey involving multiple trains, search for each leg of the journey separately.

Some mobile devices do not handle the Search Form correctly. Use this search form if you are having difficulties.

Data Source and Validity

The information shown on Recent Train Times is sourced from Network Rail via their Open Data Feeds, augmented with additional data sourced from the Rail Delivery Group via their Darwin system.

Recent Train Times is not part of Network Rail or the Rail Delivery Group and is not an official rail industry body. Nor is Recent Train Times a source of official rail performance information / statistics.

For official rail performance information, please see Office of Rail Regulation, Network Rail, UK National Statistics and