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The table below lists all train services departing Sheffield (d SHF) and arriving in Manchester Piccadilly (a MAN) for the specified time period. Also shown is the percentage of the time that each service arrived in Manchester Piccadilly on time, as well as the average arrival time of each service in Manchester Piccadilly.

TOC     Scheduled Times     % Arrivals     Actual Arrival Time in MAN
d SHF a MAN Dur On Time     Average Spread      Today     Yesterday   Mon 24 Fri 21 Thu 20
EM 06:18 07:36 1h 18m 82% 07:36 ½L 07:35 RT  -  07:44 8L 07:36 RT 07:35 RT 07:36 RT 07:35 RT 07:36 RT
EM 07:29 08:35 1h 6m 20% 08:40 5½L 08:35 RT  -  08:57 22L / CANC/NR ... 08:41 6L 08:37 2L 08:39 4L CANC/NR
EM 08:45 09:35 50m 5% 09:41 6L 09:35 RT  -  10:04 29L / CANC/NR ... 09:52 17L 09:39 4L 09:36 1L 10:04 29L
EM 09:44 10:35 51m 6% 10:41 6L 10:35 RT  -  10:58 23L / CANC/NR ... 10:46 11L 10:45 10L 10:36 1L 10:39 4L
EM 10:43 11:35 52m 5% 11:41 6L 11:35 RT  -  11:50 15L / CANC/NR ... 11:43 8L 11:36 1L 11:41 6L 11:39 4L
EM 11:43 12:35 52m 5% 12:40 5L 12:35 RT  -  12:46 11L / CANC/NR ... 12:40 5L 12:45 10L 12:39 4L 12:45 10L
EM 12:43 13:35 52m 0% 13:45 10½L 13:36 1L  -  14:43 68L ... 13:39 4L 13:43 8L 13:46 11L 13:43 8L
EM 13:43 14:35 52m 10% 14:42 7L 14:34 RT  -  14:56 21L / CANC/NR 14:36 1L 14:34 RT 14:39 4L 14:45 10L
EM 14:43 15:35 52m 6% 15:40 5½L 15:35 RT  -  15:53 18L 15:39 4L 15:49 14L 15:42 7L 15:44 9L
EM 15:43 16:35 52m 5% 16:41 6½L 16:35 RT  -  16:52 17L / CANC/NR 16:41 6L CANC/NR 16:51 16L 16:38 3L
EM 16:43 17:35 52m 5% 17:42 7L 17:35 RT  -  18:00 25L 17:52 17L 18:00 25L 17:42 7L 17:39 4L
EM 17:41 18:35 54m 30% 18:38 3L 18:33 RT  -  18:52 17L 18:35 RT 18:52 17L 18:41 6L 18:35 RT
EM 18:41 19:35 54m 20% 19:40 5½L 19:35 RT  -  20:04 29L 19:39 4L 19:48 13L 19:45 10L 19:40 5L
EM 19:43 20:36 53m 20% 20:43 7L 20:34 RT  -  21:16 40L / CANC/NR 20:35 RT 20:48 12L CANC/NR 20:46 10L
EM 20:40 21:35 55m 5% 21:41 6½L 21:35 RT  -  22:00 25L / CANC/NR 22:00 25L 21:42 7L 21:46 11L 21:57 22L

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Summary by Date

Date % Arrivals
On Time    
Wed 26/06 100%
Tue 25/06 19%
Mon 24/06 13%
Fri 21/06 7%
Thu 20/06 13%
Wed 19/06 7%
Tue 18/06 20%
Mon 17/06 7%
Fri 14/06 13%
Thu 13/06 20%
Wed 12/06 13%
Tue 11/06 7%
Mon 10/06 20%
Fri 07/06 27%
Thu 06/06 13%
Wed 05/06 7%
Tue 04/06 35%
Mon 03/06 0%
Fri 31/05 20%
Thu 30/05 13%
Wed 29/05 13%

Data Completeness

Data is present for all 504 hours in the time period being searched.


310 services have been found, of which 0 services have been discarded due to incomplete data.

Grouping has resulted in 18 schedules, of which 3 schedules (= 10 services) have been hidden as specified in the search criteria.

The remaining 15 schedules (= 300 services) are displayed above.

Data reflects train services up to:  08:30 on Wed 26 Jun 2024.


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Data Source and Validity

The information shown on Recent Train Times is sourced from Network Rail via their Open Data Feeds, augmented with additional data sourced from the Rail Delivery Group via their Darwin system.

Recent Train Times is not part of Network Rail or the Rail Delivery Group and is not an official rail industry body. Nor is Recent Train Times a source of official rail performance information / statistics.

For official rail performance information, please see Office of Rail Regulation, Network Rail, UK National Statistics and Gov.uk.